FAQ's For Families

Schedules: Schedules will be completed over the summer by the department chair and will be released in the Focus portal Mid-August. Be sure to add your email to your child’s account to access the schedule. Directions will be sent in the summer mailing. Incoming 9th graders will be placed based on course requests in withdrawal packets/8th grade report card. Schedule Corrections (missing a class, wrong level, didn’t meet pre-requisites) will take place the 1st 2 weeks of school. Classes are NOT changed for a particular lunch or teacher.

*If your student is currently in a foreign language or band/orchestra/chorus, or magnet, please indicate at registration.

Transportation: Student bus stops will be available in the Focus portal mid-August. Any questions regarding transportation can be directed to Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321.

Summer School: Registration took place during the school year. All questions regarding summer school can be directed to the Principal of Summer School at 443-809-5241.

My child received a failure letter/failed a class and needs to make up the credit, how can they do this? Classes cannot be repeated during the day, and the class will need to be recovered in an alternate setting, called Extended Day Learning Program. EDLP takes place on either Mon/Wed, Tues/Thurs, or Saturdays at Parkville, Dundalk, or Loch Raven HS (Saturday) from 6-9pm or 7:30-12 (Saturdays). Sign-ups can only be completed by your student’s counselor and begin in September. Please contact the assigned counselor when school reopens.

How can I contact my child’s counselor? Counselors are 10mo professional staff and will not return until duty week toward the end of August. For important needs, you may contact the School Counseling Department chair, Mr. Childs, at 443-809-0700 after July 1. Please note, only your student’s assigned counselor is able to sign your student up for EDLP. School counseling is only available for registrations, scheduling, and withdrawals for the summer months on an appointment only schedule. Please see the promotion guidelines for questions about whether or not your student passed to the next grade level.

How can I get my graduate’s final transcript sent to their college? Please complete the transcript request form on the school counseling website. Transcripts are sent out within 48 hours of request.

My child is coming from Golden Ring, Parkville, or Deep Creek. Do I need to register? No! You only need to complete Residency re-verification (no appointment needed) where you bring 5 documents:

Unexpired Lease (or renewal letter), Parent Photo ID, Three (3) pieces of non-junk mail dated in the last 60 days (bills, statements, pay stubs) showing parent name, date, sender, and address. No screenshots of account profiles are accepted.

My child needs a work permit, how can they get one? Schools are no longer involved in this process. The process can be completed directly on DLLR’s website. The easiest way to access this form AFTER your student has a job is to Google “Maryland Work Permit” and click on DLLR’s website.

My child needs to get their permit/license/ID, how can they get one? Please download the form from Maryland MVA website and complete the top portion of the document. You may drop it off for completion in the front office, M-F between 8am-3pm (closed 12-1 for lunch). It takes 48 hours to be returned to the student. Please do not make an appointment for the same day as you drop off the form. We do not provide the form.

I need verification that my child is enrolled at your school and need a letter, how do I get it? OHS does not write letters for verification. We can print your child’s enrollment history and stamp it. Please contact our office for more information.

I need Social Security forms/DSS forms filled out and faxed to the office, how do I get it? These forms must be dropped off at the main office for Ms. Rich. They will be prepared and left in an envelope at the front desk within 48 hours. We do not fax forms.

When will report cards be mailed? Report Cards will be mailed by Central Office in late June. You can also view students grades in Focus. Should you have difficulties or not receive the report card, please contact the main office for a copy that can be emailed to the parent or picked up.

Does Overlea offer driving school? Driving school is not affiliated with Overlea High School or BCPS. However, our PTSA does gather information for families. Please contact the PTSA for more information.

Can my child be put in the magnet? The magnet application process closed in November. Students new to Baltimore County (after November 4th but before August 28th) are eligible to apply to magnet programs as a new resident by September 1 for the following school year. For more information, please contact the magnet office at 443-809-4127. The magnet coordinator at Overlea is Ms. Trowers and she is a 10 mo faculty. She will be checking emails periodically over the summer, and she will return full time in late August. Ms. Trowers can be reached at [email protected]

Does Overlea print duplicate diplomas and transcripts for former students? No. If your form BCPS Overlea graduate needs a duplicate diploma and/or transcript, this must be done online via https://www.bcps.org/community/transcripts_and_duplicate_diplomas.